When the GSoC results were announced what I thought was that I would
be smashing my fingers on the keyboard and writing code here and
there. But oh boy was I wrong! I have seen many memes about this but never
thought the ratio of reading to writing code would be this huge. Most
of the fixes for issues I had fixed were a oneliner.
Although fixing them left me unsatisfied at first, later I started to get the hang of it and realised that I love reading too. That moment when you understand what you have been searching for a long time ( a “click”) is very rewarding.
It’s like when you start reading some unfamiliar code, you are given a dim flashlight to explore a dark room and with it you could see individual objects in the room one at a time. After some digging around you’ll find the codeblock which acts like the switch of a bulb. When you flick it, suddenly everything in the room is visible and you understand how the individual objects are related to each other and how they fit together to make up the whole room.
Big shoutout to org-mode
I’m doing gsoc along with my classes, so most of the time I would have
to pause the work to do something else. This was really
frustrating at the beginning because by the time of resuming the work,
I would have forgotten many things and have to again figure out how
they work.
So I decided to write down the things I’m doing, what I should do and
what I found out. Org-mode is helping me a lot and compensates for my bad
memory. If you are also facing this issue, I would suggest you to note down
things somewhere. Here’s a peak of how I do it
That’s all for now. Bye :)